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Once upon a time......

In a woodland not so far away, lived a big wise bear, and his best friend Squeak the mouse. Beary spent his days rescuing fairy folk, eating Squeaky's freshly baked cakes (especially the walnut cake) and generally getting himself into mischief, exploring the great outdoors.


Squeaky, the excitable little mouse, loved to teach little children and spent her days with her little soft nose buried deep in books, learning about clever things and fabulous new adventures. One day Beary B and Squeaky went out for a walk in the woods and saw a house. It was a pretty house, fit for a mouse, with room to teach and it's price not out of reach! With a beautiful garden,  and a trickling stream, they thought to themselves, this is a perfect dream! Squeaky turned to Beary B and said, 'Beary B!!! Can't you see?!! This house should be a nursery!!!!' And this is where the story began......


Over the next few months our nursery was created for all the different animals of the Forrest, a place full of imagination, story telling thrones, sensory dens, a leafy kitchen garden, nature walks and a magical bear trail full of fairy folk.... and computers with mice that confused Beary completely!


Squeak and Bear believe that Squeaky B's Nursery is perfectly created for all ages, to ensure the best possible environment to enable all children to learn through exploration, imagination, nature and play to become school-ready. 





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